Auto Compile Multiple Forms and Reports without opening builder

Here's how to Compile Multiple Forms and Reports  without opening forms builder or report builder .

open  Notepad (or any text editor) , paste the following text:

 Echo libraries compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.pll) do ( frmcmp userid=user/pw@srv module=%%f batch=yes module_type=library compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO libraries compilation finished ---
 Echo menus compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.mmb) do ( frmcmp userid=user/pw@srv module=%%f batch=yes module_type=menu compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO menus compilation finished ---
 Echo forms compilation.... 
 for %%f IN (*.fmb) do ( frmcmp userid=user/pw@srv module=%%f batch=yes module_type=form compile_all=yes window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
 ECHO forms compilation finished ---
Echo compiling reports  .... 
 for %%f IN (*.rdf) do rwconverter userid=sit/sit@SIT batch=yes source=%%f stype=rdffile DTYPE=REPFILE   compile_all=yes OVERWRITE=yes logfile=log.txt
window_state=minimize & ECHO %%f )
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Report Compilation complete

Then save it as "Compile.bat"
# replace userid=user/pw@srv  with your own  credentials
# place this bat file in folder which you need to compile forms in it

Whenever you need to compile forms and reports  run this bat file.

Enjoy and learn others...

 If the previous batch file does not work try to replace  frmcmp  and rwconverter with the original EXE file in your Oracle folder , in my case it's :

It should work for all Oracle versions up to 12c


Remove unused Layouts in Oracle Apex

 Tables used : APEX_XXXXXXX.WWV_FLOW_REPORT_LAYOUTS APEX_XXXXXXX.WWV_FLOW_SHARED_QUERIES use the following query to delete unused Layouts. ...