#7 Your first DELETE RESTful Service

Here's the case we'll work on using the following example:
The case is : How to Delete specific data from EMP_TABLE  using API ?

The Fix: Using DELETE method
Before You Begin: In contrast to GET methods,  all of POST,PUT and DELETE methods   require third party editor to run .
There are many applications for this purpose, you can install any of them using Google Chrome web store  .
YARC may be the simplest one to use , you can download it from here .

  1. Using PLSQL copy the following code:

  ORDS.DEFINE_MODULE(P_Module_Name    => 'emp',
                     P_Base_Path      => 'emp_data',
                     P_Items_Per_Page => 0);
  ORDS.DEFINE_TEMPLATE(P_Module_Name => 'emp', 
                       P_Pattern     => 'dml/:id');
  ORDS.DEFINE_HANDLER(P_Module_Name    => 'emp',
                      P_Pattern        => 'dml/:id',
                      P_Method         => 'DELETE',
                      P_Source_Type    => 'plsql/block',
                      P_Source         => 'BEGIN 
                                           DELETE FROM EMP_TABLE
                                                 WHERE Id   = :id;
                                           :P_Status := SQLERRM;
          p_mimes_allowed  => '',
          P_Items_Per_Page => 0);
  ORDS.DEFINE_PARAMETER(P_Module_Name        => 'emp',
                        P_Pattern            => 'dml/:id',
                        P_Method             => 'DELETE',
                        p_name               => 'id',
                        p_bind_variable_name => 'id',
                        p_source_type        => 'HEADER',
                        p_param_type         => 'INT',
                        p_access_method      => 'IN');   
  ORDS.DEFINE_PARAMETER(P_Module_Name        => 'emp',
                        P_Pattern            => 'dml/:id',
                        P_Method             => 'DELETE',
                        p_name               => 'P_Status',
                        p_bind_variable_name => 'P_Status',
                        p_source_type        => 'RESPONSE',
                        p_param_type         => 'STRING',
                        p_access_method      => 'OUT');
In This POST Request:
  • Employee Id = 1  was DELETED from  EMP_TABLE
  • P_Status Parameter defined to return message after inserting data
To run POST request :
  1. Click YARC extension from google chrome
  2. In the URL add: http://localhost:8080/ords/trest/emp_data/dml/1
  3. Choose from the list : DELETE
Once you have finished, click Send Request.
you should get reply of  200 and the following message: 
"P_Status": "ORA-0000: normal, successful completion" }
In the next post, we'll export all REST Defined Services

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