Install Oracle 12C as Windows Services

It's more professional to make Oracle services start as Windows services , So the end-user is not required to start services every time PC starts.

Moreover It's not user-friendly too.

Windows Services Image

1.Here's how to Add Weblogic to Windows service :

set DOMAIN_NAME=insight
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight
set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
set WL_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver
call %USERDOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd
rem *** call "C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
call "%WL_HOME%\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
Save the file as Install_AdminServer.cmd
just  double click the file to add it to Windows services

2.Here's how to Add WLS_FORMS to Windows service :

set DOMAIN_NAME=insight
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight
set WL_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver
set ADMIN_URL=http://localhost:9001
call %USERDOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd
rem *** call "C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
call "%WL_HOME%\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"

Save the file as InstallWLS_FORMS.cmd
just  double click the file to add it to Windows services

3.Here's how to Add WLS_REPORTS to Windows service :

set DOMAIN_NAME=insight
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight
set WL_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver
set ADMIN_URL=http://localhost:9002
call %USERDOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd
rem *** call "C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
call "%WL_HOME%\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"

Save the file as InstallWLS_REPORTS.cmd
just  double click the file to add it to Windows services

UPDATE :  Reports Server is nolonger available according to Oracle site link 

UPDATE :  Some services might not work because After Windows 10 updates and  it may ask for of Node manager , so we need to start up Node Manger too.

4.Here's how to Add Node Manger to Windows service :
Go to 

You can manage services from :
Start Menu -> Run -> services.msc
Oracle services start with wlsvc...

Access Report Server 12C

Sometimes when browsing to http://localhost:9002/reports/rwservlet/showjobs  , It prompts you to enter User Name and Password.

To prevent such prompts:

  1. open Web Browser then Goto :
  2. If you prompted to enter User name and Password , then
    ** Stop WLS_REPORTS
    ** Edit  rwserver.conf in this path :D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration\rwserver.conf** Remove line which has SECURITY
    ** Remove
    word Security_Id
    ** Remove
    ** Save and restart WLS_REPORTS
Also if When logging to localhost:9002/reports cannot login
 It may be as a result of SSL , so you do have 7002 instead of  9002.

Configure Oracle 12C - Dual-Language interface Step-7

To Configure Oracle 12c Dual-Language Layout

  1. In the Upper Left ,click the navigation Menu beside insight(server name)
    It expands to display, multiple components ,
    expand Forms , click forms1
  2. In Upper left , click Forms then click Web Configuration
    In Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  3. Select Default  , then press Create Like to make English Interface :
    *New Section Name :EN
    then press Create
  4. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select APPLY changes
  5. Select EN , then in Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  6. In the mid-left  of the page at the Section : default 
    change Show to: all
  7.  Change the following PARAMETER VALUES:
    envFile : EN.env
    form : login.fmx
  8. After you finish , click APPLY,
click yellow LOCK key
select APPLYchanges

Configure Oracle 12C - Reports Step-6

Oracle 12C Reports Configurations

Open Internet Browser  and goto: http://localhost:7001/em
Enetr Username: weblogic
click SIGN IN
  1.  In the Upper Right ,click Weblogic Domain
    It expands to display, multiple componnets ,
    click System MBean Browser
  2. on the System MBean Browser page :
    expand    : oracle.reportsApp.config
    then     : Server: WLS_REPORTS
    then    : Application: reports
    then      : ReportsApp
  3. Select rwservlet on  the right  Application Defined MBeans: ReportsApp:rwservlet :
    Change the following
    PARAMETER                     VALUES:
    WebcommandAccess L2
    allowhtmltags yes
    server                       Insight_Rep_Srvr
  4. After you finish , click APPLY


  1. From the left menu , choose rwserver
    ** from the right Application Defined MBeans: ReportsApp:rwserver
  2. Choose Operations tab :
    click addEnvironment
    Value : AR
    click Invoke
  3. on the same page modify AR to EN
    click Invoke
  4. on the upper right , click Refresh circle arrow
  5. on the left menu , expand ReportApp.Environment , you should find AR , En  variables
  6. On the left menu , expand ReportApp Engine (Application Defined MBeans:ReportsApp.Engine:rwURLEng):
    click rwURLEng
    change Value of DefaultEnvId                   : EN
    change Value of JvmOptionsJvmOptions: -Xmx1024m (to avoid REP-69 : Java heap space)
  7. After you finish , click APPLY,
  8. On the left menu , expand ReportApp Engine (Application Defined MBeans: ReportsApp.Engine:rwEng):
    click rwEng
    change Value of DefaultEnvIdDefaultEnvId : AR
  9. After you finish , click APPLY
Apply Arabic Display (Right to Left) :
  1. on the left menu , expand ReportApp.Environment :
    click AR
  2. Choose Operations tab :
    click addEnvVariableValue
  3. on the same page Change existing Value to  USER_NLS_LANG
    click Invoke
  4. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  REPORTS_TMP
    next line Value C:\TMP
    click Invoke
  5. Goto C:\ and create TMP Folder
  6. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_BIDI_ALGORITHM
    with new line value : UNICODE
    click Invoke
  7. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_ENHANCED_BIDIHANDLING
    with new line value : Yes
    click Invoke
  8. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_ARABIC_NUMERAL
    with new line value : HINDI
    click Invoke
  9. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_PATH
    with new line value : D:\Oracle\Middleware\reports\templates;D:\Oracle\Middleware\reports ; \printers;c:\Windows\Fonts;d:\WorkArea\REPORTS;
    click Invoke**open Regedit,  add the same path to the following KEY:
Apply English Display (Left to Right) :
  1. On the left menu , expand ReportApp.Environment :
    click EN
  2. Choose Operations tab :
    click addEnvVariable
  3. on the same page Change existing Value to  USER_NLS_LANG
    click Invoke
  4. On the same page Change existing Value to  REPORTS_TMP
    next line Value        :C:\TMP
    click Invoke
  5. On the same page Change existing Value to : REPORTS_ARABIC_NUMERAL
    with new line value : ARABIC
    click Invoke
  6. on the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_PATH
    with new line value : D:\Oracle\Middleware\reports\templates;D:\Oracle\Middleware\reports ; \printers;c:\Windows\Fonts;d:\WorkArea\REPORTS;
    click Invoke
    **open Regedit,  add the same path to the following KEY:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OracleHome1\REPORTS_PATH
  7. On the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_BIDI_ALGORITHM
    with new line value         : UNICODE
    click Invoke
  8. On the same page modify 
    Change existing Value to  : REPORTS_ENHANCED_BIDIHANDLING
    with new line value         : Yes
    click Invoke

Fixing Arabic Font doesn't display :

Replace uifont.ali in the following paths with attached uifont.ali:

  1. D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\config\fmwconfig\components\ReportsToolsComponent\INSIGHT_Rep_Tools\tools\COMMON
  2. D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\config\fmwconfig\components\ReportsToolsComponent\INSIGHT_Rep_Tools\guicommon\tk\admin
you're done :-)
Update #1: 
  • Open Registry --> TK_PATH  ( C:\oracle\Middleware\tools\common )
  • add uifont.ali file 
Update #2 : 
How To Access http://localhost:9002/reports/rwservlet/showjobs , it's very useful to see jobs queue , showenv, serverinfo etc....
  1.  open Web Browser then Goto :  http://localhost:9002/reports/rwservlet/showjobs
  2. If you prompted to enter User name and Passwrod , then
    • Stop WLS_REPORTS
    • Edit  rwserver.conf in this path
    • Remove line which has SECURITY
    • Remove   word : Security_Id 
    • Remove  securityId="rwJaznSec"
    • Save and restart WLS_REPORTS
  3. REP-52262: Diagnostic output is disabled.
    • FIX Web Webcommandaccess
  4. When logging to localhost:9002/reports cannot login?
    • It may be as aresult of SSL , so you do have 7002 & 9002

Configure Oracle 12C - Webutil Step-5

Download The attached folder  from here .
  1. From the downloaded Folder Copy theses files :  jacob.jar , ffisamp.dll  , jacob-1.18-M2-x86.dll
    to : D:\Oracle\Middleware\forms\java
  2. Make sure you have installed  JDK8u151 (download from oracle )
  3. Open Internet Explorer and goto : http://localhost:9001/forms/frmservlet** You should have [ Installed successfully ] message
  4. In Upper left , click Forms then click Web ConfigurationIn Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  5. In the mid-left  of the page at the Section : default
    change Show to: all
  6. Change the following PARAMETER VALUES
    baseHTML : webutilbase.htm
    baseHTMLjpi : webutiljpi.htm
  7. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select Apply changes
  8. In upper left , click the Add symbol to add parameter:
    WebUtilArchive         frmwebutil.jar,jacob.jar
    WebUtilLogging         off
    WebUtilLoggingDetail         normal
    WebUtilErrorMode Alert
    WebUtilDispatchMonitorInterval 5
    WebUtilTrustInternal         true 
    WebUtilMaxTransferSize             16384

Bugs and Fixes :

When runing form includes WEBUTIL , You may face any of :

bean not found. WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.getMaxTransfer will not work ,WUT-121 File transfer error,etc

You can fix by Making sure following steps are done:
  1. Goto Control Panel --> Java -->Security --> Edit Sites List --> then add full address of your application, then restart browser
  2. Goto Control Panel --> Java -->General--> Settings -->Delete Files then check all,then restart browser
  3. Delete webutil.ABUOUF.32.PROPERTIES  << it's located in : C:\Users\Administrator >> , then retest (to download Webutil files again)
  4. Open Internet explorer --> Tools --> Options --> General --> Delete check all, then Apply , Ok, then restart browser
  5. Make sure the CLIENT current Windows User is ADMINISTRATOR
  6. edit webutil.cfg as followed<< which is located in :
#List<n> directories\TEMP
#List transfer.appsrv.write.<n> directories

Configure Oracle 12C - Forms Step-4

Forms configuration:

Open Internet Browser  and goto: http://localhost:7001/em
Enetr Username: weblogic
click SIGN IN


  1. In the Upper Left ,click the navigation Menu beside insight (server name)
    It expands to display, multiple componnets ,
    expand Forms , click  forms1
  2. Click Font and Icon Mapping
  3. In Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    select Lock & Edit
  4. Edit the ICONS Path make sure folder is named sysicons (it's located in d:\Oracle\Middleware\forms):
    default.icons.iconpath: /forms/java/sysicons
  5. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select APPLYchanges

2.Environment (Arabic Display)

  1. In Upper left , click Forms then click Environment Configuration
    In Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  2. In upper left , click the Add symbol to add parameter:
    NLS_LANG                   ARABIC_EGYPT.AR8MSWIN1256
    COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH  D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\config\fmwconfig\components\ReportsToolsComponent\Insight_Reports_Tools

  3. Add the value of the following Existings Parameters  to include PLLL , OLB , Forms, Reports files at the end :
    FORMS_PATH: ; D:\WorkArea\FORMS
  4. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select Apply changes

3.Environment (English Display)

  1. In Upper right  , click Duplicate File  to create Another Languge  Environment :
    Environment File : default.env
    *Name : EN.env
  2. From Upper left , Select EN.env then
    In Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  3. Change the following PARAMETER VALUES:
  4. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select Apply changes

4.Web Config

  1. In Upper left , click Forms then click Web Configuration
    In Upper right  , click yellow LOCK key
    Select  Lock & Edit
  2. In the mid-left  of the page at the Section : default
    change Show to: all
  3. Change the following PARAMETER VALUES:
    form : arlogin.fmx
    userid : insight/insight@prod
    pageTitle : Insight | Innovative Solutions.
    width : 100%
    height : 100%
    separateFrame : true
    highContrast : true
    background : logo.jpg
  4. After you finish , click APPLY,
    click yellow LOCK key
    select Apply changes
  5. Copy TNSNAMES.ORA to Middleware :
    from: D:\Oracle\database\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\tnsnames.oracopy
    to: D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\config\fmwconfig\tnsnames.ora
congrats , forms are fully configured.

Configure Oracle 12C - Starting Services Step-3

1.Start Node Manager:

After Creating Domain goto 

If you got message: 
<Secure socket listener started on port 5556 , host localhost/>
then  you are right

2.Weblogic :


enter Weblogic server User name & Password

Once server state changed to RUNNING 
You are right

3.Weblogic (EM) :

  1. Open Internet Browser  and goto: http://localhost:7001/emEnetr Username: weblogic
    click SIGN IN
  2. In the Upper Left ,click the navigation Menu beside insight(server name)
    It expands to display, multiple componnets ,
    expand HTTP Server, then click ohs1
  3. Under Servers part in middle of page :
    Click on WLS_FORMS wait until it loads..... click start Up --upper left
  4. wait until it start Up --upper left
  5. Once Oracle HTTP Server  started successfully:
    Browse to : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Oracle FMW 12c Domain - insight-** send  following Shortcuts to Desktop:
    Start Node Manager
     Stop Node Manager
    Start Weblogic Admin Server
    Stop Weblogic Admin Server
  6. Inside folder Oracle Forms Services - WLS_FORMS :
    ** Send the following shortcuts to Desktop :
    Start Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS
    Stop Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS
    ** Make a Copy of these shortcuts on the Desktop :
    Start Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS  and RENAME it to Start Weblogic Server - WLS_REPORTS
    Stop Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS and RENAME it to  Stop Weblogic Server - WLS_REPORTS
    ** Change properties of  Start Weblogic Server - WLS_REPORTS  file :
    Target :D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS** Change properties of  Stop Weblogic Server - WLS_REPORTS  file :
    Target:D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\bin\stopManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS
  7. Run  : d:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd
  8. Wait until it loads.... , then type:connect ("weblogic" , "OrAcLe_2016" , "localhost:7001")
    --where "weblogic" is Server Name and "OrAcLe_2016" is the password 
    press Enter to connect to Weblogic 
  9. Create reports tools by typing the following code [ becareful as it's case-sensitive] :
    createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName='insight_Reports_Tools'  ,  machine='AdminServerMachine')press Enter
    ****** files must be created in this path
    Name Report  Server Name by typing the following code [ becareful as it's case-sensitive] :
    createReportsServerInstance(instanceName="Insight_Rep_Srvr", machine="AdminServerMachine")
    press Enter
  10. Once you are finished , exit by typing:
  11. Stop all services now  from STOP shortcuts on the desktop , Enter User name and password if required
  12. Open Notepad and type the following  and save file as :
  13. Copy the file to these destinations:
    ** D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\servers\AdminServercreate folder : security
    Paste file here and in the following folders too:
    D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\servers\WLS_FORMS\securityD:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\servers\WLS_REPORTS\securityNow , you can run Weblogic , Forms and Reports too without inserting User Name even Password.
  14. Goto :D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\reports\bin\rwbuilder.batsend it as a shortcut to Desktop to run report Builder 
  15. To change Icon , Goto : 
    and choose rwbuilder

Configure Oracle 12C - Create Domain Step-2

Create Domain:

  1. Goto:D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin\config.cmd
  2. Create a new domain : name it as insight (D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight) click NEXT
  3. Select the following Templates
* Oracle Forms Application Deployment Service(FADS)-[forms]
* Oracle Forms -[forms]
* Oracle Reports Application-12.2.1[reports]
* Oracle Enterprise Manager-[em]
* Oracle HTTP Server (Collaocated) -[ohs]
* Oracle Reports Server -12.2.1 [ReportsServerComponent]
* Reports Bridge -12.2.1 [reportsBridgeComponenet]
* Oracle  WSM Policy Manager - [oracle_common]
* Oracle JRF - [oracle_forms]
* WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension - [wlserver] click NEXT
4.Click NEXT
5.Enter weblogicuser name                      :   insight
                           Password               : insight123456
                            Confirm Password : insight123456  ,click NEXT

6.Select Domain Mode : Production ,click NEXT

7.Eneter  Host Name            :localhost
         DBMS/Service      : IAS  --the name of Database
           Schema Password : insight123456

click : Get RCU Configuration
if it's successfully done , then
click NEXT

8.On JDBC Component Schema  click NEXT

9.On JDBC Component Schema  Test , wait until end of Test
 click NEXT

10.On Advanced Configuration  :
Check  Only the following 3 items:
* Administration Server
* Topology
* System Components ,click NEXT

11.On Administration Server :
Check Enable SSL
Server Groups: WSMPM-MAN-SVR --it's the last one in drop-down list,click NEXT

12.On Managed Servers  , You do have : 

13.On Clusters  , You do have : 
cluster_reportsclick NEXT

14.On Server Template page, just click  NEXT

15.On Dynamic Servers, You do have : 
cluster_reports click NEXT

16.On Assign Servers to Clisusters , just click  NEXT

17.On Coherence Clusters , just click  NEXT

18.On Machines , just click  NEXT

19.On Assign Servers to Machines :
Add the  left AdminServer TO the right Machines 
Click on the right AdminServerMachine, Then  
Click the small arrow in the middle of screen , click  NEXT

20.On  Virtual Targets , just click NEXT

21.On  Partitions , just click NEXT

22.On System Components 
add  component: ohs
--from upper left on the screen Click the Green Add icon
-- Change new_SystemComponent_1 to : ohs1
--Select OHS from Component Type List , click NEXT

23.On OHS Server, Just click NEXT

24.On Domain Frontend Host , Just click NEXT

25.On Assign System Components to Machines :
Add ohs1 to the right Machines , click NEXT

26.On OHS Server:
enter in Listen Address: localhost
        click NEXT

27.On Deployments Targeting , just click NEXT

28.On ServicesTargeting , just click NEXT

29.On Configuration Summary , just click Create

30.On Configuration Progress , wait until it finishes

Once it's finished Click NEXT, then Finish

Congrats , you are done...... [next step is to run Node Manager]

UPDATE : If it config.cmd  does not load  , then remove all instaled JAVA (containing JDK&JRE and install other version) in my case I removed jdk-8u152-windows-x64 and installed jdk-8u181-windows-x64 .
This happened when I dropped then reCreate the RCU . That RCU was firstly created using the version of jdk-8u181-windows-x64 .

Configure Oracle 12C - RCU Step-1

Install the following software :
  1.  Oracle DB 12c download link , Here's another link
  2. Forms and Reports  download link
  3. Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer download link
  4. Java 8u152 version(jdk-8u152-windows-x64) download link

Then start the RCU as followed.

After installation ,Create Repository using Repository Creation Utility (RCU):

  1. GOTO D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\bin\rcu.bat
  2. Enter required Credentials
  3. Select  ALL : ORACLE AS Repository Components

Note, You can drop an existing  DOMAIN , by following these simple steps :
  1. Goto D:\Oracle\Middleware\domain-registry.xmland delete the line contains Domain Name
  2. Delete the folder D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\applications\insight
  3. Delete the folder D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight
  4. Delete the file:  D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\servers\AdminServer\tmp\AdminServer.lok

Before Starting install Forms &Reports and Fusion:
  • Both of  Fusion and Forms&Reports must have the same version
  • Install Fusion First then install Forms&Reports 
  • Forms&Reports  are downloaded in two zipped folders, so extract first one (larger than 1.5GB) and keep the other (small zip file) inside extracted folder as the following image

Remove unused Layouts in Oracle Apex

 Tables used : APEX_XXXXXXX.WWV_FLOW_REPORT_LAYOUTS APEX_XXXXXXX.WWV_FLOW_SHARED_QUERIES use the following query to delete unused Layouts. ...