Configure Oracle 12C - RCU Step-1

Install the following software :
  1.  Oracle DB 12c download link , Here's another link
  2. Forms and Reports  download link
  3. Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer download link
  4. Java 8u152 version(jdk-8u152-windows-x64) download link

Then start the RCU as followed.

After installation ,Create Repository using Repository Creation Utility (RCU):

  1. GOTO D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\bin\rcu.bat
  2. Enter required Credentials
  3. Select  ALL : ORACLE AS Repository Components

Note, You can drop an existing  DOMAIN , by following these simple steps :
  1. Goto D:\Oracle\Middleware\domain-registry.xmland delete the line contains Domain Name
  2. Delete the folder D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\applications\insight
  3. Delete the folder D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight
  4. Delete the file:  D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\insight\servers\AdminServer\tmp\AdminServer.lok

Before Starting install Forms &Reports and Fusion:
  • Both of  Fusion and Forms&Reports must have the same version
  • Install Fusion First then install Forms&Reports 
  • Forms&Reports  are downloaded in two zipped folders, so extract first one (larger than 1.5GB) and keep the other (small zip file) inside extracted folder as the following image

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