I posted before how to create APIs (Web Services) from Database 10g using PLSQL Gateway in this post.
When Android developer reads API , Arabic fonts was not complete when using FLUTTER, but when he using Android Studio he reads without any losing characters.
I found using php server , it works fine.
Here are steps to create your first APIs to connect PHP and ORACLE 10g together:
1# HR schema is used in the following example
2# Download this Github repository from here (It includes AppServ and API Folders) APPSERV another link
3# Install AppServ to C:\AppServ
4#Extract ora_php-master.zip to C:\AppServ\www
5# Rename C:\AppServ\www\ora_php-master to C:\AppServ\www\api
Now your folders and files should looks like this:
6# Config Folder: Contains database.php ,
When Android developer reads API , Arabic fonts was not complete when using FLUTTER, but when he using Android Studio he reads without any losing characters.
I found using php server , it works fine.
Here are steps to create your first APIs to connect PHP and ORACLE 10g together:
1# HR schema is used in the following example
2# Download this Github repository from here (It includes AppServ and API Folders) APPSERV another link
3# Install AppServ to C:\AppServ
4#Extract ora_php-master.zip to C:\AppServ\www
5# Rename C:\AppServ\www\ora_php-master to C:\AppServ\www\api
Now your folders and files should looks like this:
6# Config Folder: Contains database.php ,
<?php class Database{ // specify your own database credentials private $host = "localhost"; //DataBase Server private $db_name = "PROD"; //DataBase Name private $username = "hr"; //User Name, which We'll Create API for private $password = "hr"; //User Password public $conn; //Public Varaible
// get the database connection
public function getConnection(){
$this->conn = null;
$this->conn = oci_connect($this->username,
(HOST = '.$this->host.')
(PORT = 1521))
(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = '.$this->db_name.')
(SID = '.$this->db_name.')))' , 'AL32UTF8');
catch(Exception $exception){
echo "Connection error: " . $exception->getMessage();
return $this->conn;
7# Objects Folder : Contains all Users, if we do have other users .
8# User Folder : For every object we create folder contains all types of API (GET, PUT, POST....)
9# To Test API : goto http://localhost/api/user/read.php
URL consists of : Machine_Ip/API_Folder(Which was ora_php-master)/APIS_FOLDER(USER)/API_METHOD(read.php or search.php?id=107)
10# Done , Now you can connect to database from any machine, Android, iOS etc......
You may face an error like Call to undefined function oci_connect .
Here's how to fix it :
# You need to enable OCI for php
# Edit php.ini
# enable extension=php_oci8.dll
BEFORE : ;extension=php_oci8.dll
AFTER : extension=php_oci8.dll
# Restart AppServ .
To make sure OCI works , Open browser and goto http://localhost/phpinfo.php
it must looks have oci like that :
Connecting to remote DataBase is some tricky , You just add connection string when calling OCI_CONNECT , here's a full example :
You may face an error like Call to undefined function oci_connect .
Here's how to fix it :
# You need to enable OCI for php
# Edit php.ini
# enable extension=php_oci8.dll
BEFORE : ;extension=php_oci8.dll
AFTER : extension=php_oci8.dll
# Restart AppServ .
To make sure OCI works , Open browser and goto http://localhost/phpinfo.php
it must looks have oci like that :
Connecting to remote DataBase is some tricky , You just add connection string when calling OCI_CONNECT , here's a full example :
//Connect String
//Connect to DB
$conn = oci_connect('hr','hr',$db);
//Run a sample query
$qry = oci_parse($conn, 'select SYSDATE from DUAL');
if (!qry){
echo "Not connected";
echo "Connected";
If you still cannot see OCI8 in http://localhost/phpinfo.php , here's final steps :
1# download oracle instant client (instantclient-basic-win32- from here
2# Extract all contents to the zipped file to :
- C:\AppServ\Apache2.2\bin
- C:\AppServ\php5\ext
3# Edit System Variables PATH
add C:\AppServ\php5\ext at the end of existing text
4# Restart the Apache server
5# You are done !
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