Json data is very useful when working with web services.
Here's an example of JSON structure :
To extract data from json use the follwing function:
Here's an example of JSON structure :
To extract data from json use the follwing function:
CREATE FUNCTION PARSE_JSON ( P_Text IN VARCHAR2, P_Field IN VARCHAR2, P_Occur IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS V_Text_Ready VARCHAR2(2000); V_Elemnt_Occur NUMBER :=P_Occur; V_Elemnt_Name VARCHAR2(100) :=P_Field; V_Elemnt_Value VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN -------------- V_Text_Ready := REGEXP_SUBSTR( P_Text , '{(.*?)\}',1,V_Elemnt_Occur); V_Text_Ready := REGEXP_REPLACE(V_Text_Ready , '({|"|}|\]|\[)+'); V_Elemnt_Value := REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_SUBSTR(V_Text_Ready, V_Elemnt_Name||':[^,]+', 1 , 1), V_Elemnt_Name); -------------- RETURN ( REGEXP_REPLACE(V_Elemnt_Value,':')); -------------- EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN (NULL); END PARSE_JSON;
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